As the first week of 2023 comes to a close I’m reminded of how we, as a people, have the capacity to overcome, focus on the greater good, and embrace what connects us all – our humanity. I know, I know. Some of you went there – Ummm, James, are you paying attention to what is playing out in the halls of Congress?
Yes, I assure you, I am. As you might imagine, that’s not what has inspired me this first week of the new year. And that’s what I’d like to focus on here – that which has inspired me. Undoubtedly, we have challenges to face in our democracy, but what I’ve seen in our humanity is what has spoken most loudly to my soul.
A word that has been on repeat in my head throughout the week has been CARE.
What Does it Mean to Care?
When we care about someone or we provide what is necessary for their health, well-being, and protection. We aim to do right by them, so as to avoid danger or harm. They’re important to us and we have a genuine level of concern for their well-being. We do whatever is necessary, at a given moment, to ensure their needs are met.
Truly, one of the most kind things we can do for another person is show them care.
We saw a beautiful example of care on national display Monday night. After a pretty common tackle made by 24 year-old Buffalo Bills safety, Damar Hamlin, he rose to his feet, then collapsed seconds later. It was the scariest sight I’ve ever witnessed in sports. Within seconds, medical personnel rallied to Damar’s side to provide this young man with the care he needed, as Damard had gone into cardiac arrest. In this state, the heart is no longer pumping blood. Without blood pumping, no oxygen is able to travel to the brain or other vital organs.
Every. Second. Matters.

Enter, Denny Ellington, Assistant Athletic Trainer for the Buffalo Bills. Ellington immediately cared for Damar, providing swift CPR to immediately revive him through resuscitation and defibrillation. This immediate response and level of care literally saved this young man’s life. Ellington’s commitment and care for Damar’s health allowed him to navigate a moment when life was literally hanging in the balance. And while Ellington may have delivered the most timely care, we could see that there was an entire army of medical professionals there to ensure he was cared for in a meaningful way.

In various screenshots of the live feed of the game we caught glimpses of the care displayed on the faces of athletes and coaches. At that moment there weren’t two opposing teams. Everyone was united in caring for the health of Damar. It was their only concern.
We saw Coach McDermott and Coach Taylor’s care as they sent their players to the locker room, signaling that there would not be a continuance of that game. Coach Taylor said McDermott immediately told him “I need to be at the hospital with Damar, and I shouldn’t be coaching this game.” All his focus and care was on the health and safety of that young man. Nothing else mattered. True leadership in the face of such an unprecedented situation.
We saw complete strangers rally for vigils outside the University of Cincinnati Medical Center to offer prayers and well wishes for a full recovery.
And most of us were introduced to Damar’s care for kids and his community through this tragic incident. At the time of his frightening collapse, a fundraiser he started in 2020, just before he was picked in the 6th round of the 2021 draft to help provide toys for kids impacted by the pandemic in his community, had only raised a little over $2900. As I type, that fundraiser has approached 8 million dollars! His family has stated that the money raised will be used to “contribute to Damar’s community initiatives and his current fight.” An inspiring show of care from folks across the globe for Damar.
And, as we’ve gotten more and more positive news about Damar’s significant improvements, he continues to teach us more about care. Two days after suffering a near-fatal heart attack, when he’s finally able to open his eyes, still on a ventilator, he scribbles a note to his medical team.
“Did we win?”
Subsequently, the doctors said, “Yes, Damar, you won. You won the game of life.”
But think about this young man’s mindset for a moment – after all he’s been through. Hooked up to all those machines. Fighting for his life. He cared about the outcome of the game. He cared about his teammates and the game he loves.
As we navigate the days ahead in 2023 it is my hope that we can remember these beautiful examples of care. We have the capacity to do it, as we’ve shown it time and time again when tragedy strikes. My prayer is that we allow our capacity to show care a daily occurrence. What a beautiful world we can build.
Words have a very meaningful way of lifting up individuals to aspire to do be better thank you 🙏🏽
Thank you, Gwen! Happy New Year!