There are certain people who, the moment you’re in their presence, you feel the most pure joy. They exude a positive aura that is simply contagious.
I’d like you to meet Mrs. Robinson.
As we approach a full year since we transferred Landon to our neighborhood school, I wanted to take a minute to highlight just how much of a difference one can make.
As many of you may remember, this time last year was tough – very tough. The normal we’d known was gone. Our days looked very different. Landon has always been my little sidekick, but during this tim he clung to my side even tighter. While he didn’t know the extent of what was happening, he knew something wasn’t quite right. But we pressed on.
As we transitioned to his new school, I’d walk with him each morning – one of the silver linings of the moment. Every morning, at the crosswalk to enter school, there stood a woman with an energy that was off the charts. She knew every kid’s name. She offered a hi-five or a fist bump to each student and shared how happy she was to see them each morning. Rain or shine, she was there. I remember thinking ‘surely she’s not this happy every morning’ – she’d prove me wrong. She was. Pure joy and positive energy every morning. Consistent and persistent with the joy!
Now, if you know Landon, you know he’s a pretty reserved little guy…until you really get to know him. Initially, he seems quiet and shy, but once he lets you in, you see the funny, silly, bright, and lovable little dude he is.
We started this school right after Thanksgiving break of 2021. Despite my numerous pleads with Landon, he’d merely walk right by Mrs. Robinson most days, giving her a head nod, at most. I’d give Mrs. Robinson a look that signaled ’I promise he’s not rude’. She’d just smile and say “it’s okay. I’ll get to him.” And she persisted. Every single day. Her love and joy for Landon and every single kid, no matter their response, was evident each morning.
Fast forward to early in the spring of the 21-22 school year. Landon, without a prompt from me, walks up and gives Mrs. Robinson the biggest hi-five followed by a “Good morning, Mrs. Robinson!” I was shocked. After responding, “Good morning, Landon! Have a wonderful day!”, Mrs. Robinson simply looked over my way and winked as she held her post in the middle of the drive. I told her “thank you for not giving up on him.” To which she responded, “oh, I never give up. I always get em”, with the biggest smile on her face. I walked back home, heart full, knowing someone like her was there for my little guy each day.
Persistence. Consistency. Refusing to allow a single kid to fall through the cracks. Ensuring my kid, and every single kid, feels visible before they even enter the building each day.
To every Mrs. Robinson out there – THANK YOU! Thank you for your willingness to spread joy. Thank you for your consistency and unwavering commitment to ensuring all students feel like school is a safe and welcoming place. Your presence is greater than any program can offer. There’s no way to truly quantify the impact you’ve made in countless young people’s lives. Thank you for being you!
If you’ve encountered a Mrs. Robinson in your school experience or with your own student, I’d love to hear about them. Drop them some love in the comments. And, if nothing else, please be sure to reach out and let them know the extent of your love and gratitude for their presence in your life.
Thank you, Mrs. Robinson! We love you!

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