Among life’s most profound joys, few can match the bliss found in parenthood. It is such a transformative journey of love, sacrifice, and growth – a journey that has changed my life for the better.
I am a father to three amazing children. My eldest son, Jordan, is 27 years old. My daughter, Lauren, is 22 years old. And my youngest, Landon, is 10 years old. I’ve got quite the range of ages. But what a blessing and honor it is to be their father. Each of them have taught me unique things about myself that I may have never understood without their existence. Grateful is truly an understatement.
Baby Boy
Landon, who will be in fifth grade in the fall, is out for summer break. With that, he and I spend most every day together as I am an educator and have flexible summers. This week I was scrolling through my Google photos album, which is filled with videos from when he was a baby till now. I was struck at just how fast 10 years can fly by. And the joy and happiness that I see in these videos and pictures is reflective of the experience of daily life with him. These aren’t just moments that have been singled out to be part of some montage. What I see is a reflection of daily life with this amazing young person. At this stage in my life to get the experience of daily life through the eyes of a child is absolutely beautiful. What a wondrous ride it is.
Baby Girl
I had an opportunity to have lunch with my beautiful baby girl, Lauren, this week. When my baby girl asks if I want to do lunch, I do lunch. As I listened to her vision for the future, her hopes for a better world, and her ideas of what to do to impact the lives of people in a deep and meaningful way, I was moved beyond words. This young lady amazes me every day. She’s got so many creative ideas and things that will help people who need it the most. I hope she knows how very proud I am of her. She has such a deep care for the lives of others. At 22 years of age she’s a college graduate, she’s gainfully employed, and she’s working on becoming an entrepreneur. If you get a chance to meet Lauren you will initially be struck by her glow, her outward beauty. But what is most impressive is the shine that is within. I’m so proud of her and honored to be her father.
The O.G.
A couple weeks ago my eldest son, Jordan, invited me to be his guest at the annual Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce luncheon, which was held this week. If you’ve ever met Jordan you know that he is an amazing young man. Truly, he is the best man I know. And to be his guest at this event made my heart so very happy. To enter the space of this luncheon of roughly 900 guests and watch him work a room, engaging with folks – his smile, his interest in people’s lives, his ability to carry a conversation – was something to behold. Usually in those spaces I’m the one out doing the talking and mixing but on that day I simply took a backseat in pride and watched my baby boy, a boy that entered my life at the age of 17 years old, shine. He absolutely changed the course of my life for the better. And I have no doubt that all who cross his path will be all the better for it.
Shifting the Narrative
The absence of a father figure in my life initially left a void. Yet, in the depths of that void, seeds of resilience and determination took root. On most evenings, in my childhood, my mother and I would sit out on our bench swing in the front yard. So many fond conversations on that swing. One of the recurring conversations was that of the husband and father I promised to be for my wife and kids when that time came. Over time, I would recognize that the absence of a father did not define my worth or my potential to be an exceptional father myself. Instead, it would spark a fire within me to become the father I longed for.
Over the last 27 years, I’ve had the honor of witnessing the magic of parenthood unfold. This journey has been about creating a sanctuary of love and support, where dreams can flourish. Through every bedtime story, scraped knee kissed, and heartfelt conversation, my hope is to craft a legacy that transcends generations. To my own father, I offer forgiveness and gratitude. I carry your lessons with me, not as a burden, but as a source of inspiration to be the best father I can be. Offering no resentment, only love.
I am guided by love, driven by purpose, and devoted to creating a better future for my children. In this sacred role, I cherish the privilege of being a father – knowing that I have the power to shape lives, to cultivate dreams, and to foster love that will ripple through generations to come. And as I watch my children grow, I am humbled by the amazing humans they have become. Being your father is truly one of life’s greatest joys!
Parent Appreciation
Shout out to all the amazing parents out there making it happen for your children. It’s a challenging role, filled with a rollercoaster of emotions. Along the way it’s natural to question if you’re doing it “right”. In those moments, grant yourself grace and remember that being a parent doesn’t come with instructions, per say. Each child is different and will bring forth their own unique challenges that may make you question yourself. In those moments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to someone. Chances are, someone out there has faced the same parenthood challenges. You’re not alone. And you are exactly the right person for the job. You are divinely appointed.
Another great blog from Dr Whitfield !!
Thank you so much!