Change is inevitable yet it’s often the hardest thing for us to accept. In the midst of change we may be forced to shift our perspectives, alter our approach to various situations, take on roles and responsibilities we may not have anticipated, and/or consider things that once seemed beyond our purview, just to name a few.
The impetus for change often arises when we least expect it – a loved one gets sick; we are betrayed by those we once trusted; we incur an injury that makes us realize just how critical every single muscle and bone in the body matters; life throws us a curveball and we’re forced to reconsider our life and/or career choices. Change cares not for our comfort level or readiness to embrace it. Instead, it challenges our deepest fears and reservations, daring us to resist.
My Rockstar Wife
My wife is a master stylist. The work she does in her salon each day is truly magical. People enter her suite carrying a multitude of the heavy that life can deal us. While much of what happens in there has to do with chemical formulations, styling, and various cuts, so often, people leave a bit lighter. Sure, they may feel better about their physical appearance, but this visit also serves to uplift folks spirits.
In that space, day in-day out, Kerrie pours into her clients with a love and care that goes beyond the magic she does with their hair – she is a friend and confidant, devoting a laser-focused time and energy on each client. In that room, change takes place in physical and emotional forms each day. And, for the last 5 years, she’s served in the same location. This place has been a steady hand in our lives. Along the way, she’s built wonderful friendships that will last a lifetime. But…it was time for change.
A New Space
For weeks she weighed the prospect of leaving this place that had been her second home. Then, she jumped at an opportunity to set up shop at a place she’s had her eyes on for years. Decision made, it was now time to go through the moving process – remove things hanging on the wall, pack up, load up, clean up, unload, unpack, hang everything back up, order necessities, countless trips to Lowe’s, and arrange the space to be client-ready in a matter of days. It’s been quite the process to go from a distant thought, to so close you could feel it, to reality. But here we are. She’s moved in, embracing change, and ready for what the next leg of her journey brings.
I’m so proud of her. Her ability to navigate the changes of life and do so with such flair is truly inspiring. No matter the challenge, she embraces it and moves full-force in the direction of progress. She continually growing in her craft and being a rockstar mother and wife at the same time.
Your Friend, Change
As you navigate the various shifts along your own, unique, journey, may you never forget that change is not your foe; it’s stagnation that hinders progress. I pray you will embrace the winds of change, welcoming the gentle whispers of new beginnings, invigorating perspectives, and infinite possibilities that lie ahead. For within the unexplored lies the potential for great and mighty things beyond our wildest dreams.
Yea,Kerrie. You are the best!
Thank you for sharing your heart friend!
I am in the market for a new stylist.
Would love to connect with you beautiful bride!
Thanks so much, my friend! I’ll connect you